For Every 10 Leaders only 1 Performs with Passion and Excellence

Gallup Survey claims that 9 out of 10 leaders are mediocre or are most likely to perform as average. Perhaps, this is brought about by the common perception that leadership is a responsibility so big to take. Many fail to view leadership as an opportunity to develop oneself and be able share.

However, many of our leaders then and now are ordinary people who were taught, coached, and mentored to be great. We need not go farther, our unlikely leaders are all in the Bible.

Abraham was a coward. He told the Pharaoh his wife is his sister so the ruler could have his way with her and not kill Abraham. But God made him the father of all nations.

Jacob was a cheat. He tricked his father, to gain birthright over his brother, Isaac. He made a lot of enemies. Yet God changed his name to Israel and built a nation from his offspring.

Moses has stage fright. But God made him led thousands of Israelites away from Egypt and to the promise land.

The Apostles were the same. None of them presented a smashing credential. They were all sinners and so ordinary. But Jesus trained them for 3 years as He carried out His ministry. And on the day He died, the eleven even went hiding, no one bothered to check Him dying on the cross. Yet, Jesus continued to train them in spreading the Good News after He gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The leaders in our organizations today are very much the same. Whether they are promoted, appointed, or elected, they all have to greater leadership qualities waiting to be discovered.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

– Romans 13:1

Sheila Marie P. Pacia

Manager.  Coach.  Mentor.
Daughter.  Sister.  Friend.

Working with diverse  leaders through the years, she has learned the value of respect and acceptance.  All leaders must know that they are in the business of building characters.

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